Chapter 07


 Beneath the glass house known as the Crystal Palace, a steel garage door opened revealing a white Mercedes SUV. There were two individuals seated in the leather interior. The woman in the driver seat had layered, chest-length, champagne blonde hair that framed her beautiful face and faint crow’s feet at the corners of her green eyes. She wore light makeup in a peach tone and her lips were laced in pink gloss.     "Thanks for helping Marlon," the woman said, "there's only a few little things to sort through, then the movers will do the rest."     The young man in the passenger seat had long black eyelashes, light brown eyes, and black hair styled in a short fohawk. Beneath his thick lower lip was a small tuft of hair. His collarless white polo was tight, showing his large biceps and hugging the muscles of his torso.     "Sure Cara," he replied.     For a minute it was awkwardly quiet.     "Courtney and Jim should be here soon, they said they were coming down."     "I'll go get them," he said, opening the door.     "Wait Marlon," Cara said, touching his arm as he was leaving. He stopped. "I wanted to ask if you were ok?"     "Yeah- what do you mean?"     "Courtney and I went a bit too far last time and… could you close the door?"     He did so.     "I wanted to apologize," she said. "Courtney got really mad when she found out about us. What we had together was fun, but it's over now. I'll let Mateus know that we talked about it. I know it will be tough, but I hope we can get over it and focus on the family."\     "Yeah sure," he said without emotion.     A moment later, a handsome man with short dirty blonde hair and kind green eyes got into the car behind Cara. He wore a loose gray vee neck tee and brown harem style pants.     The other door opened and a beautiful young woman, wearing black yoga pants and a short gray hoodie revealing her navel, sat next to the man. She had a slightly upturned nose, sky blue eyes, and long flowing golden blonde hair.     "I'm sorry. I was looking for my phone," she said.     "That's ok Courtney."     "Call off the cops, we found it," the man in back said with a grin.     "Shut up Jim," she said slapping his shoulder.     "Make me," he replied, kissing her lips sweetly.     "Stupid," she said, breaking the kissing with a smile.     "Everyone ready?" Cara asked.     They pulled out from the garage and coasted across the driveway and to the gate where they stopped briefly while it opened. Then Cara turned South onto the street.     "How many boxes are we expecting to fill?" Marlon asked.     "I'm not sure. "     "Your Grandmother isn't moving is she?" Jim said. "I thought we were just having lunch together."     "We're moving some things in her house around or into storage. Because of her condition, not everything in the house is safe for her. When I spoke to her about it last week she wasn't too happy with me.     "I wouldn't be either, " Marlon said.     "It was the only way we could safely keep her in the house. Otherwise she'd go to an assisted living home. She was diagnosed with dementia and needs constant support."     "She seemed fine the last time I saw her," Marlon said.     "You haven't seen her for a few months. She hasn't been doing very well since she fell," Cara said.     "When did you see her last?" Courtney asked.     "Probably summer last year," Marlon admitted. "Someone will be checking up on her in the house while we are gone?"     "There's a service person staying in her house now 24 / 7," Cara replied.     "Should we be going to Brazil with her new diagnosis though?" Marlon asked. "Maybe we should stay."     "Should we Mom?" Courtney said.     "The doctor said that she'll be fine," Cara replied.     "Sure but..," Marlon shrugged dubiously.     "We need to go on this trip. Mateus spent a lot of time and money planning this vacation."     "Our first major trip together," Jim said, grabbing Courtney's hand.     "You sure her health is good?" Marlon asked.     "That's what the doctor said."     "So she's having trouble remembering things?" Marlon asked.     "Yes. She may not remember you," Cara said.     "It's very sad," Courtney replied genuinely.     "The doctor said that it’s bound to happen with someone her age."     "I haven't known her long either," Marlon said with a small frown. "She won't even know me?"     "Some days are better than others. She's usually not too bad in the mornings."     "Were we going to eat lunch with her?" Courtney asked.     "I hadn't planned on it."     "We should," Marlon replied. "Take it from me, you may come to regret every chance you had that you didn't spend with your mother." Marlon had lost his mother and maternal grandparents all with a short time. "You say family is important to you?"     "It is-"     "We should at least have lunch together," Courtney said firmly.     "Hmm… alright. Could you text the others to see if they can meet us for lunch at her house? We can have something delivered."     "Sure." *** *** ***     Cara barely opened her eyes. Sun filtered through her eyelashes, like bright golden honey. She yawned and sat up, fully opening her eyelids and pulling her hair back behind her ears. She wore a baby blue nightgown that revealed her slightly tanned decolletage. The top of the garment was tight with a paisley design over her bust. She threw off the covers and stood up. The nightie was short, just below her butt, showing her well toned legs.     The room's warm colored hardwood flooring was brightly lit by the sun through the windows. She saw a figure in a black robe on the balcony. After walking forward to a sliding glass door she opened it and went to the side of the man with a chocolate brown complexion. He was nude beneath his open robe.     "Rio is beautiful isn't it?" her husband Mateus asked in his thick Brazilian accent.     "It's an amazing view," she said, looking at the surrounding city and beach of Leblon.     "You look amazing," he said, leaning in for a kiss. She pressed her lips against his soundly. She usually didn't like kissing before brushing her teeth, but she was caught up in the beautiful view.     "I can't wait to take you to the Ipanema party tonight. It's a much different style than the house party when you met my children and my brother yesterday."     "The kids wanted to go out themselves tonight."     "That's good, then we can really enjoy ourselves," said her husband with a smile.     She grinned, enjoying the energy in his voice. She hadn't seen him this excited before.     "But later we could invite Marlon back, for a different kind of fun,” he said, his hand going to her hip.     She was excited about Mateus's cuckolding fantasy at first, but now the whole family dynamic was strained. She wondered if it could ever get back to normal, but she was going to try.     "Baby, I love you but..." Cara frowned, looking out over the houses. "I wanted to tell you this earlier, but I don't think Marlon should be with us anymore."     "Why? Did he do something?" Mateus asked.     "Not really. Well, it's just…" she fumbled for the right words.     He looked at her with concern.     "I'm not sure it's healthy," she said finally.     "Healthy?"     "No, I mean… You wanted to bond with him as a father, yes?"     "Of course."     "I'm not sure he's treating you that way because of what we've done together. I think he sees you more as a friend than a father."     He was contemplative for a second. "Yes, you are probably right… I guess… I was… I wanted to find someone for us so badly. We haven't been lucky in that regard. I-I was being selfish."     He was quiet again. She felt relieved that he had accepted it. But she felt sorry for him. She hadn't told him all that happened. Could she?     "It's my fault too," she said.     "It is?"     "Yes, I-" she swallowed nervously. She couldn't confess. "I should have said something earlier about how awkward it was."     "But you enjoyed it yes?" He asked sincerely. "I liked watching you with another man. Did you like when I watched you together?"     "Well- yes, but not with him anymore. It will make our family stronger if we stop. He can be a real part of the family this way without any weird complications."     "Yes, I understand," he said. "I'll let him know today."     "It's ok. I already told him about it."     "Oh?"     "Yes, I hope you're not angry I spoke to him first?"     "Uh- no. Did he understand?"     "Uh- yes. Well not at first, but I think so now."     "Alright, good. But… are you still interested if I find someone else? So I can watch you in the bedroom?"     "Very much," she nodded with a smile.     "Good, because my nephew Gabriel really likes you."     Cara's green eyes opened wide. Mateus chuckled.     "I'm joking. No more family. Although I admit, I'm not sure who can take Marlon's place. He's very gifted. He made you climax more than I ever had." He had a hint of jealousy in his voice, but it primarily sounded like pride of his son. Then he grabbed her around the waist and gave her a passionate kiss. As his tongue probed her mouth he slid his hands down and up beneath the nightgown. His hands went up against her round ass and squeezed firmly. She responded by placing her hand against his crotch and began rubbing.     "There are plenty more people out there," she said. "It will just take a while to find the next one. Till then," she smiled, grabbing his penis and began to stroke it.     "Hmm, maybe we should wait," he said pulling back with a smile.     She asked looked at him quizzically.     "Why?"     "Remember our costumes for the party tonight? I have an idea how we can have fun without Marlon." ***     A raucous party filled the block. There were people everywhere drinking, cheering, dancing, and kissing. There were some half dressed men and women with colorful clothes, attractive bodies, sweaty skin, muscular torsos, bodypaint, breasts covered in pasties, a few bare, feathers and headdresses, and all sorts of dress and undress in between. It was a diverse crowd of people from the darkest of brown skin to as light as Cara's.     On the edge of this block party or bloco, as the Brazilians called it, was Cara, wearing a forest green dress that went just above mid thigh. Her blond hair was pinned up in a tight bun with hair sticks. The backless dress had a feather pattern, tied up on the shoulders without sleeves, and dipped in a deep V, showing her amazing lightly tanned cleavage. She wore a matching green domino mask with smokey black eye makeup, bracelets, and earrings decorated with a few green feathers, faux crystals and pearls.     Standing next to her was Mateus, in a short-sleaved button up yellow shirt with a white floral pattern, white shorts and yellow flip flops. On his face was a yellow masquerade style mask covered in white flowers. Across his wrists were thin bands of yellow fabric with more flowers.     "You ready?" He asked.     "Yes," she said with a nod.     "Go towards the music."     She held his hand as they moved through the crowd slowly. They reached a group of people dancing rhythmically to electronica music that was blasting from several large speakers. The dance area was crowded, so most were dancing close enough together that they were touching.     When they got closer, she let go of Mateus's hand, looking back at him as she passed into the throng of people undulating to the music. Her husband blew a kiss after her. Cara noticed all sorts of men and women in the night, the dance lights flashing over their hot, sweaty bodies. As she went through the crowd she felt a hand grab her butt; she looked but didn't notice anyone touching her. She danced by herself, no one directly dancing with her, but in the pressed crowd she noticed the eyes of many watching her sexy body. She shook her hips from side to side and pumped her hands in the air to the beat of the music, feeling a bit numb from the caipirinha (sweet Brazilian mixed drink) she had drunk earlier with her husband. She saw him in yellow, watching only twenty or so feet away. After a minute or so, a man with dreadlocks and caramel-colored skin pushed next to her, his hips turned to face her, his eyes looking over her body. She smiled and looked at his strong arms as he moved them to the music. He wasn't a very good dancer although he was very attractive. They danced for a few songs, but he seemed somewhat reserved. As she moved away from him, he danced with more confidence, perhaps trying to impress her, but another man cut in. This one had long black hair, a goatee and tanned skin, with dark brown eyes. She saw his toned chest beneath a leather vest. She faced him, dancing closely. She tried to do as she had seen the Brazilian women do, moving her feet quickly shaking her arms, almost like a bird vibrating her feathers.     A wan smile replaced his serious expression when he saw her attempt a Brazilian style dance. He put his hands to her waist and began swinging his hips in a sort of lambada style. She matched his moves as best she could. As the music transitioned to a slower beat, they could relax for a minute. He said something to her in Portuguese that she didn't understand. She shook her head and said she only spoke English. He nodded and grabbed her hand and began to dance again in a quick and sensual style. Although his hands were rough, she enjoyed the feeling. He must work hard every day to get such callouses.     There were a few times she was faced away from him and he had himself pressed up against her. She swore she could feel something hard in his pants pressing onto her rear end. When she realized how their dancing had turned him on, she smiled. She ground her ass against him, starting to feel a bit warm between her legs. Then she turned to face him, and he held her close. Although he was a little average looking, his nose a bit too large for his face with a small chin, she felt a strong urge to kiss this stranger. He said something again in Portuguese, tugging her hand. She shook her head and again responded that she only spoke English. He stopped talking, looking her full in the eyes and gave her a passionate kiss. She melted a little, but was careful to compose herself. He tugged at her waist and spoke again with words she didn't understand.     She shook her head. He looked disappointed, but he kissed her another time before parting her company. His absence pushed her to another man. He looked American, with a tropical style green shirt and cargo shorts. He danced awkwardly, but Cara indulged him, spinning and shaking her hips near him as he moved his feet and arms in a stiff manner. He was grinning widely and she couldn't help but smile sweetly in response. She started looking around at the other dancers near her for a new prospect. She locked eyes with a handsome young man with hazel eyes, long lashes, and light brown skin. He had wavy brown hair and a trim dark brown beard. He wore a black tank top shirt that showed off his muscular arms with full sleeve tattoos. Her eyes stayed trained on him as he approached through the crowd. Just with his gaze, the area between her legs tingled.     The dancers suddenly shifted, pushing everyone in different directions altogether and Cara got turned around. She forgot about the awkward man in the tropical shirt, and lost sight of the hot tattooed guy. She tried in vain to find his square shoulders amongst the crowd. Then she realized she was so disoriented, she didn't see Mateus either. She looked around and noticed she was pressed between men on each side and one woman to her right. To her left, there was a shirtless man, with chiseled muscles, in his late twenties or early thirties with thick eyebrows. He looked down at her cleavage as he danced. She smiled and wiggled her hips back and forth, grinding with him. Then she felt a tug at her waist as someone flipped her around. It was the tattooed guy.     She looked him in his sexy hazel eyes and smiled. He leaned in close, and kissed her deeply. She complied, but then pulled back and smiled playfully, turning around to face away from him to dance. There wasn't much room in the crowd, so she was mostly grinding her rear end against him and her pelvis against the shirtless man in front. She felt the tattooed guy grabbing her ass over her dress as he danced sensually against her. With everyone pressed together, it could have been awkward, but she felt hot and desired. The shirtless man was almost thrusting himself as he wagged a firmness from his crotch against her. Then she felt the tattooed guy's hands lift her dress and grab her butt. She looked back over her shoulder at him as she moved her ass against him, bouncing up and down. The heat in her loins was overwhelming, her pussy started to get wet as his hard penis pressed against her ass through his shorts.     Suddenly she felt hands against her breasts, kneading and massaging them. She gasped, but it was barely audible in the din of music. She closed her eyes, feeling several hands on her body now, touching her skin that glistened with sweat. She was frightened for only a second, but then she went back to the pleasure and attention paid to her. When she opened her eyes she noticed that someone had untied her dress at the shoulder, exposing her left breast.     Her hand was pulled down against fabric, and she felt something hard and hot beneath. It was to the side, so it wasn't the tattooed guy. She began rubbing along the dick, over the fabric of their shorts as she felt fingers explore the area between her legs. Those around her were dancing in a different style altogether now. She looked to her right at a couple making out, their mouths almost consuming each other with lust. She reached up to the back of the head of the tattooed guy and pulled him close for a kiss. She continued to kiss him, their tongues caressing. She let out a moan, breaking the kiss, as she felt a few fingers push under her thong underwear and into the warmth of her juicy pussy. His kisses traveled to her neck as someone explored her sopping wet interior with their fingers.     Then she felt a hot rod across her palm as the feeling of fabric she was rubbing was replaced with bare manhood. A small sense of fear crept back into her mind. She had enjoyed it all up till now, but things were moving too fast. Her pussy was gushing now, eager to be fucked. Not now, she told herself. With the alcohol and dancing she had gotten carried away, but her husband was waiting somewhere. He should be watching her, getting turned on.     "Wait," she said pushing away from the hard penis. The tattooed guy said something she didn't understand and she felt his fingers come out from between her legs. A few hands clung to her, but she was able disengage from them as she slid through the crowd. She looked desperately for the man she knew in the yellow costume. She felt a hand grab her shoulder as she pierced through the crowd. It was her husband.     She smiled as he pulled her in close and began kissing her passionately. He grabbed her bare breast as his tongue entered her mouth. The warmth between her legs raged again, like a new log added to a fire. When they pulled apart for air, Cara spoke into his ear, to ensure he could hear despite the loud music.     "Find someplace we can fuck."     He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd. They finally got to a clearing where they were able to cut across the road to an alley of the main street. He pushed her against a wall, kissing her passionately. She noticed a few people pass across the entrance as she rubbed the front of Mateus's shorts. He felt halfway there. She had a bit of trepidation as he pushed up one of her legs and knelt down, pushing her underwear to the side as he began to lap up her pussy, the flowers of his mask pressing against her skin. She closed her eyes as his tongue probed.     "You are so wet," Mateus remarked. He had began slow, but moved deeper immediately after his remark. His expert cunilingus caused her body to shudder and she squeezed her eyes closed tighter and put her hand through her husband's short black hair. She was already nearing an orgasm.     In the alley it wasn't as warm as in the crowd, but she was still sweating and felt quite hot. She was on the verge, the explosive feeling so close, but then she heard a laugh. Her eyes shot open. There were two young men, watching them, deeper in the alley.     "Fuck," she swore.     "I'll get rid of them," Mateus said as he stood up.     "No," she replied and tied the shoulder strap of her dress. She was so horny, but now in a moment of lucidity she realized they shouldn't be having sex in public, even with masks on. She didn't want someone placing a video online and then later someone might recognize them. The last thing she wanted was a tabloid headline. She could imagine it now, "Supermodel Cara Ström and actor Mateus Santos caught having sex in public alley during Carnival." She adjusted her panties as they left.      "Let's go back to the house," Mateus said. He held up his hand for a cab. ***     Cara dried her hair as she stepped naked from the bathroom, her amazing hourglass figure beaded with water. They had made out with heavy petting for most of the 20 minute cab ride back, but she felt sweaty and dirty when they got to the house, so she decided to get clean.     Her husband approached for a kiss, but she moved her head back.     "Querida?" He asked.     "After you shower," she replied with a smile. "Then we pick up where we left off."     The clock on the wall showed it was almost midnight as he rushed to the shower and she put on a sexy nightgown. Cara opened the door to head downstairs for some water.     She heard giggling of what sounded like a young woman. Illuminated by the dim moon and city lights from the outside, she saw Marlon coming upstairs with someone next to him. It was a woman kissing his neck and unbuttoning his shirt as they approached the bedroom next to the master Cara and Mateus were sharing.     "Hello," Cara said as they came into clearer view.     "Oh hey," Marlon said, looking up.     "Hi," the other woman said with a large smile.     "Where're the others?" Cara asked as she looked at his attractive companion.     The young woman had thick lips, dark brown cocoa colored skin, and the black coils of her hair were tied back. She wore a white mini skirt with a lace fringe and a yellow spaghetti strap top clung to her small breasts, revealing a toned midriff.     "Still partying probably," Marlon said.

    "You… f-familiar?" the young woman said in broken English, looking at Cara with a hint of recognition. Marlon opened the door and gently pushed the woman inside, out of view.     "Goodnight," he said to Cara with a smile, before going inside himself and closing the door. He hasn't changed at all, she thought.     She went past the room and got a drink of water from the refrigerator downstairs before returning to the master bedroom, closing and locking the door. Her husband was lying on the bed nude, a towel underneath him.     "You look ready," she said with a smile.     "I am. Let me lick you to start," he said, sticking his tongue out. She pulled off her plain white panties and set them on the edge of the bed. Then she sat onto her husband's face, so his mouth was perfectly placed. She was turned towards the headboard and he was lying flat, his legs towards the foot of the bed.     She pulled her nightie up to allow him easier access. As he licked, she heard the squeaking noises of the bed next door.     "What's that?" Mateus said.     "Marlon came back with a Brazilian girl," she said.     "Good," he said with a smile and then continued to lick and probe.     Even though her husband's tongue felt amazing, tracing circles around her clit, Cara couldn't help but be distracted and a little jealous as the young woman cried out loudly. She hoped her step-son was using protection.     "Yes," Cara moaned. Her husband was one of the best she'd had when it came to cunnilingus. It was something about the agility in his tongue as he performed lingual gymnastics across her nether regions. He was worlds better than her ex-husband. She was soon so wet that she was dripping into his mouth and he was eagerly lapping up her nectar. Her moans continued as she approached an orgasm. It had been a few months since he had eaten her out properly. The last time, a couple months ago, he had even seemed lazy about it, so this was a pleasant change of pace.     She looked back, seeing his penis rise as he licked her, approaching the size of an average hot dog.     There was suddenly a pounding noise on the wall. It sounded like her step-son and the girl he brought home were having sex directly on the wall between their rooms. Cara sighed, her sexual energy sputtering with the interruption. The woman in the next room started squealing and crying out in Portuguese, interspersed with the banging on the wall.     "He's really giving it to her. She'll have trouble walking tomorrow," Mateus said with a small laugh.     Angrily, Cara grabbed the back of her husband's head and pushed him back against her pussy. He murmured and hummed against her clit. She bit her lip gently as the throbbing of her pussy intensified.     "Ah!" She moaned loudly, vocalized her pleasure suddenly. Mateus continued using his tongue against her clit, driving her wild as she screamed as loudly as her competitor in the other room. She rode her husband’s mouth, holding his head and squeezing the back of his head as he pushed deep.     "Right there! Right there!" she said. It was her turn now, and she was aching for what she knew was coming. She wasn't even trying to be quiet. "I'm going to cum." A warm explosive feeling radiated from between her legs and over her whole body. "Yes, yes!" She let it roll over her for almost a minute before dismounting from his face, smiling and bending down to kiss him. She tasted her own sweet flavor on his wet lips, a hint of fresh cherries mixed with light caviar. She still felt warm between her legs as she put her hand down to his penis, stroking it as she kissed down his chest, round stomach and then she engulfed his cock in one motion. She didn't even gag as she allowed him to slip into her throat.     "Ai meu Deus!" he shouted, when she deep throated him. His sudden exclamation in Portuguese was an ego boost to her increasing fellatio skill since being 'trained' by her step-son. She would have smiled but it wasn't possible with her mouth full. The sounds next door continued, but she focused on the task at hand, sucking and slurping his penis while she gently grabbed his testicles.     Although she had edged back down from the orgasm, she was not sated. Her pussy was pulsing and eager to be filled. She slowly withdrew, her lips tight upon his penis. Then she flicked her tongue deftly against his pisshole while he moaned loudly. She had to be careful she didn't take it too far and get him bursting into her face.     "Now put it in," she said with a grin.     She sat up and walked forward on her hands and knees, facing away from Mateus and pulling her nightie around her waist. He grunted as he sat up. He pressed his penis against her and it entered easily in one clean motion until she felt his belly against her ass. He began moving it in and out slowly.     "Harder," she said, hearing the pounding next door. Her husband thrusted against her firmly. She bounced her well-shaped ass against him, trying to get more sensation and friction. It was so slippery inside her juicy snatch, that she didn't feel much of him.     She usually didn't orgasm more than once with Mateus, and never vaginally, but right now she wanted to desperately. She thought maybe they could spice it up a little.     "Pull my hair," she said, flipping her head back. He grabbed her blonde locks with one hand while he continued, his loins and belly bouncing off her ass. She braced herself with one forearm while she reached her other hand back to her clit. She moaned in pleasure, enjoying the submissive role as he thrust into her. It was something she didn't even consider before her sexual experiences with her step-son. She cried loudly when her husband thrust and pulled her hair, her clit pulsing pleasure as she rubbed it. She was nearly matching the cries next door. She wanted Marlon to hear her. She imagined his muscles pulsing and glistening as he pumped the dark-skinned woman with his tasty chocolate cock.     Her husband slowed after a couple minutes, with slight labored breathing. He only grinded into her now and let go of her hair.     "Fuck it's coming," he said.     Cara kept moving over her husband's cock, slamming her round ass against him again and again while she rubbed her clit furiously.     She barely felt her husband burst into her and become soft as he pulled free. She continued to rub her clit, still wanting to feel another orgasm with or without her husband.     Then she felt her husband's fingers probe into her pussy, spreading her gooey depths wider. He had what felt like three fingers inside, pushing in and out. It felt similar in size to his penis.     "More," she said. She felt another finger. He began moving his hand in a pulsing motion. She wanted to cum so badly. She imagined her step-son fucking her fiercely, that time next to the pool. He had never cum so hard before or since. As she imagined her step-son pounding her, Mateus's entire fist slipt inside.

    "Oh god!"

    "Sorry," he said.

    "Keep going," she squealed. He thrust back and forth, and she squeezed his hand tightly until it popped out. "Yes Mar-!" she cried and shoved her mouth into the duvet as she almost said her step-son's name.     The pulses of the orgasm ached through her entire body as she collapsed flat onto her front. The waves of pleasure slowly diminished as she opened her eyes. She finally felt satisfied. Mateus lay beside her on his back.     "Oh my. That was good, yes?" He kissed her lips.     "Mmm. That was wonderful."     Next door the squeaking of the bed and the loud moans continued.     "It's been a while since you've cum twice."     "I know, thank you for that."     "Your husband provides," he said.     "What are the plans for tomorrow?" Cara asked.     "I thought we could go to Petrópolis."     "What's that?"     "It's a beautiful city just to the North of where we are now in Leblon."     "Is it a big?"     "I'd say so. I wonder if all the children are back yet?" Her husband asked.     "I don't know," she said, turning her head away from him. She hoped her son Aiden wasn't sleeping on the uncomfortable couch downstairs, while Marlon was keeping everyone up with the sexual marathon in the other room. "I'm so tired."     They lay there quietly for five minutes or so. the sounds continued. It was difficult to sleep with the performance in the next room transmitting through the wall.     "Honey, I know it's awkward, but could you ask them to keep it down?"     There was no response. When she pushed herself up onto her hands she saw her husband was asleep.     She sighed, pulling up the covers over him and then she went to the bathroom to pee.     When Cara was done in the bathroom, she lay on the bed in her nightie, the cries of sexual congress in the next bedroom were still loud. It wasn't till half past 3AM when it stopped. She was half asleep when she heard the door downstairs open and voices as her other children.     She opened the door and went down to see how their night was. Courtney and Jim were entering the bedroom on the first floor as she approached. The couple as well as Ashley and Aiden dressed in nice clothes, looking tired after a long night of clubbing.     "Night," Courtney said as Jim closed the door behind them.     "What are you still doing up mom?" Aiden asked as she got closer.     "Oh, uh… your step-brother was being… loud with a girl he brought back."     "Oh my god, really? Are they still doing it?" Aiden asked.     "I'm pretty sure they're done," she replied.     "I'm gonna go sleep," Ashley said. "My feet are killing me."     "Night Ash," she said. "Honey how was it?"     "I haven't danced so much in a long time. Brazilians sure like to shake it." He slurred a bit, clearly drunk.     Cara smiled.     "Did everyone else have fun?"     "I think so, Jim and Courtney did a lot of dancing."     "And Ashley?"     "Danced with almost as many men as me."     Cara smiled.     "Although the women were amazing too. I danced with my fair share. So many boob jobs," he said with a yawn. "There was one though. She was this tiny Brazilian girl with a beautifully big ass. She kept trying to take me home, but I promised Courtney that we'd party together tonight. He yawned again. "I'm going to head up too," Aiden said. They began walking up the stairs. Ashley went into the first doorway.     "You should probably knock before you enter," Cara whispered as they got to the second bedroom.     "Way ahead of you," he said, rapping his knuckles against the wood before opening the door slowly. Curriously, Cara looked in as the dim light from the hall shone through the open door. It was dark inside, and she only saw the outline of Marlon's muscular body spooning the woman on the bed against the wall. They were sleeping soundly.     Aiden shrugged and gave his mother a pat on the shoulder as he went in and closed the door. She went back to her room, lying next to her husband and fell into a fitful sleep.

*    *    *

It was dark when something with a melted butter texture, but cool to the touch, flowed across her skin. She felt another presence near her. Cara's heart pounded loudly in her ears drowning out all other sound. Where was she and what was happening? A myriad of emotions flowed across her and suddenly there was a light from above. She saw her husband holding her hand in this illuminated space. The sight of him calmed her nerves.

They were alone and naked like two dancers on a stage, their skin almost glowing in the light. He led her to a four post bed with silky sheets and plush pillows that till now she hadn't noticed. She sat down on the edge and he sat next to her. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. She looked over her shoulder and saw her step-son, Marlon, there on the other side of the bed, on his knees facing her. He too was naked, his cappuccino colored body as trim as a fitness model. His manhood stuck out towards her, practically beckoning her to him. As her husband approached, she pushed him away. He fell flat on his back against the top of the sheets.

She crawled to Marlon at the other side of the bed and when she sat up, her crotch perfectly fit against her husband's mouth, who had fallen there. As his tongue entered her slit Marlon shoved his cock into her mouth. She struggled to fit her step-son's dick in her mouth while her husband's tongue began probing. When Marlon's cock finally fit back into her throat, her husband's tongue pressed hard on her clit. She was racked in pleasure between the two, almost like an electrical current. She felt an orgasmic release, and then the feeling and the dream faded.

Introduction Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11 Ch. 12 Ch. 13


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